#1weB_siTe Coloring Books | high-art-forms
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Coloring Book

Grandmop has a present for you.

For children one to one hundred and two.

She wants to wake up the artist in you.


  • Rainbows, color charts, kaleidoscopes and pop tarts… EVERYTHING needs to be colored!

  • Crayolas, victrolas, sign post to pot roast… EVERYTHING needs to be colored!

  • Finger nails, fairy tales, ink wells and milk pales… EVERYTHING needs to be colored!

  • Everything that is under the sun and it can be so fun… EVERYTHING needs to be colored!

  • Pages and pages, on and off stages, blues, reds and beiges, throughout the ages… EVERYTHING needs to be colored!


So mop on the color, there is nothing duller than a world without an artist like you.

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